Naqshbandiya Foundation for Islamic Education

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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Excerpts from Nafahat al-'Uns: The Lives of Notable Figures of the Spiritual Path


Excerpts from Nafahat al-'Uns: The Lives of Notable Figures of the Spiritual Path
by Sidi Ruslan Moore

Khwaja 'Ali Ramitani
May Allah the Exalted bestow His mercy upon him!
He was one of the deputies of Khwaja Mahmud Injir Faghnawi. In the chain of transmission of this Spiritual Path, he is known by the title "Hadrat 'Azizan." He was endowed with lofty spiritual stations and conspicuous charismatic talents. He was a weaver by trade, and according to what I have heard from some of the great masters, he is the Khwaja referred to in this poem by Mawlana Jalal ad-Din Rumi (sanctified be his innermost being):
If there is anyone whose knowledge of the spiritual state is beyond description in words, he must surely be Khwaja Nassaj [the Weaver], the servant of the grandees of Bukhara!
His blessed tomb in Khwarizm is a famous site of frequent visitation.
He was asked: "What is faith?" He replied: "To flee [from everything else] and to arrive [at the Truth]." They also asked him: "If a decree has been foreordained, when does that decree arise?" To this he replied: "Before the dawn!" He is reported as having said: "If one of the children of Khwaja 'Abd al-Khaliq Ghujdawani (sanctified be his innermost being) had been on the face of the earth, Mansur al-Hallaj would not have been hanged on the gallows.
May Allah be well pleased with him! (Coutesy:Sunni Path


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